Autor: Lorenz Korn

ISNI: 0000000066519623
GND: 120969548
ORCID: 0000000177050901

Hg. von der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Markus Ritter und Lorenz Korn

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 2

246 S., E-Book
69,00 €
in den Warenkorb zur Wunschliste

Die Themen von Band 2 der „Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie“ (BIKA) umfassen Architektur, Malerei, Textilkunst, Kleinkunst, Bauforschung und Archäologie. Neben der Analyse einzelner Werke in verschiedenen Regionen islamischer Kunst stehen synthetisierende Beiträge. Geographisch reicht der Band von Spanien …

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Vol. 6, Encompassing the Sacred in Islamic Art

176 S., E-Book
79,00 €
in den Warenkorb zur Wunschliste

To what extent has Islam as a religion shaped the art and material culture of the Middle East and North Africa? How is Islamic religion, in turn, informed by art and material culture? Under the title "Encompassing the Sacred", papers …

Hg. von der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Lorenz Korn und Anja Heidenreich unter Mitarbeit von Barbara Finster, Barbara Henning, Robert Hillenbrand, Miriam Kühn, Markus Ritter und Robert Schick

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 3

414 S., E-Book
89,00 €
in den Warenkorb zur Wunschliste

Ornament has always been regarded as a field in which Islamic Art has excelled. However, it can be debated whether ornamental treatment of surfaces can actually be seen as a typical feature of a particular culture. The papers given on …

Central Periphery? Art, Culture and History of the Medieval Jazira (Northern Mesopotamia, 8th-15th centuries)

Papers on the Conference held at the University of Bamberg, 31 October–2 November, 2012

280 S., E-Book
98,00 €
in den Warenkorb zur Wunschliste

The medieval Jazira has still to offer a multitude of topics for research. As a crossroads in which artistic currents from different regions met, it is unique in the history of the Near East, and at the same time, as …