“Intuition or analysis” was a ten-page booklet which the author of this book wrote at the age of sixteen and in which he first developed the idea of “music as therapy” in the light of his own personal experience, in which music played a central role for salutogenesis and therapy.
Almost fifty years passed between that booklet and the interview on “Intuition” in this reader, during which time the author, editor and longtime professor of music therapy talked at conferences and symposia on almost all continents, gave interviews and occasionally published papers abroad, which are not all included here. All his thinking was influenced by his practical work in hospitals as a music therapist, expressive arts therapist and hypnotherapist that accompanied his research.
This reader shows the range of opportunities the author sees for the “phenomenologically oriented music therapy”, in which he himself grew up, which he helped to shape. It is a very diverse range, which provides previously unknown insights of the author into familiar topics, his clinical work (“What I love, makes me ill…” in full version) and his way of answering questions of the public media.
„Der Band versammelt Aufsätze und andere Textbeiträge des Autors zur Theorie und Praxis der Musiktherapie. Der Autor vertritt hierbei den Ansatz einer phänomenologisch orientierten Musiktherapie, den er selbst mitentwickelt und geprägt hat.“
In: Psyndex.
http://www.zpid.de/PSYNDEXDirect/index.php?search=decker-voigt%20t%F6nen&st=no&id=0253391(7. März 2013)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmut Decker-Voigt, Prof. h. c. der Kunstwissenschaften und Dr. h. c. der Rostropovitch-Hochschule Orenburg/Russ., Mitbegründer und Direktor des Instituts für Musiktherapie von 1990 bis 2010, seit der Emeritierung 2010 weiter als Senior-Professor und in freier Praxis tätig. Musiktherapeut (CMT, DMTG) Ausdruckstherapeut (CMT) heilprakt. Psychotherapeut (HPG), Hypnosetherapeut (VDH), Schriftsteller (Gründungsmitglied des Verbandes deutscher Schriftsteller) und Publizist, ehrenamtl. Präsident der Akademie der Herbert von Karajan-Stiftung Köln (vorm. Berlin). Seine Bücher wurden nach jeweiligen Gastprofessuren inzwischen in 14 Sprachen übersetzt in Korea, Russland, Japan u. a.
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