Author: Florian Schimmer

ISNI: 0000000071051287
GND: 120321720X
ORCID: 000000021346714X

Der römische Militärplatz Submuntorium/Burghöfe an der oberen Donau

Archäologische Untersuchungen im spätrömischen Kastell und Vicus 2001 bis 2007

568 p., E-book
128.00 €
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The Roman site Submuntorium/Burghöfe is situated on a plateau of a promontory above the valleys of the rivers Danube and Lech, about 30 km north of the provincial capital of Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg. It represents one of the most important military …

Amphoren aus Cambodunum / Kempten

Ein Beitrag zur Handelsgeschichte der römischen Provinz Raetia

384 p., E-book
48.00 €
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Amphorae played a central role in the long distance transport and trade of (mediterranean) food and other goods during the Roman period. Today they represent an excellent archaeological source for ancient economic history and nutrition habits.
This volume comprises an analysis …