Violence & abuse in society

Von Andreas Wölfl, Hg. von Tonius Timmermann und Hans Ulrich Schmidt

Gewaltprävention mit Musik: Empirische Wirkungsanalyse eines musiktherapeutischen Projektmodells

368 p., E-book
49.80 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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The prevention of violence is one of the major social responsibilities of the 21st century, which requires effective preventative measures on many levels. Music as a non-verbal and emotive medium provides specific and effective means for promoting aggression regulation, the …

Musiktherapie mit Opfern von Missbrauch und Gewalt

27. Musiktherapie-Tagung am Freien Musikzentrum München e. V. (2.–3. März 2019)

160 p., E-book
18.00 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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Many traumatized people experience music therapy as a supportive and helpful form of therapy. The world of music can give people healing experiences of security and, with their non-verbal means of expression, convey helpful forms of stress management and emotional …