Iranian Languages


Studies in Iranian philology in honour of Mauro Maggi

480 p., E-book
110.00 €
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This volume honours Mauro Maggi, celebrating his contributions to Iranian, Indo-Aryan, and Central Asian philology and linguistics. It includes twenty-nine papers from colleagues, former students, and friends, covering a wide array of languages and text traditions such as Avestan, Khotanese, …

by Ronald E. Emmerick completed and edited by Mauro Maggi, John S. Sheldon and Nicholas Sims-Williams

A Handbook of Khotanese

360 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Ronald E. Emmerick’s Handbook of Khotanese consists of two parts: an Introduction to Khotanese, and a systematic survey of Khotanese and the closely related Tumshuqese language. His tried and tested Introduction to Khotanese, which has been used by many students …


Grammatik und Versuch einer Dialektologie

392 p., E-book
59.00 €
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Zazaki ist eine am nordwestlichen Rand des kurdischen Sprachgebiets gesprochene nordwestiranische Sprache, die heute von ca. 2 Millionen Sprechern in Südostanatolien als Muttersprache verwendet wird. Es ist eine dem Kurdischen verwandte, aber dennoch eigenständige Sprache. Seit der Eskalation des Konfliktes …

Endangered Iranian Languages

122 p., E-book
39.90 €
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This edited volume brings together work by theoretical linguists and field linguists who share a strong commitment to the scientific documentation and investigation of endangered Iranian languages. Five chapters of this volume represent the contributors’ findings on endangered Iranian languages …

Editor: Ludwig Paul

Handbuch der Iranistik Band 1

496 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Das „Handbuch der Iranistik“ (HdI) fasst den aktuellen Stand und Tendenzen der iranistischen Forschung zusammen und stellt deren wichtigste Disziplinen und Themenbereiche umfassend dar. Dabei orientiert sich das HdI an einer breit aufgestellten, integrativen, jedoch immer philologisch und empirisch fundierten …


An edition and literary-critical study of the Manichaean-Sogdian Parable-Book

216 p., E-book
79.00 €
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This work is an edition and literary-critical study of a Manichaean text in Sogdian known as the Āzandnāmē, or Parable-Book. The first part is a new and expanded edition of the Sogdian text with English translation and philological commentary. The …

Watañi lāntaṃ

Khotanese and Tumshuqese Loanwords in Tocharian

332 p., E-book
Open Access

Contacts between Tocharian A and B and Khotanese and Tumshuqese, four languages once spoken in today’s Xīnjiāng Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China, lack a comprehensive treatment and are still a controversial topic. This work contains the first systematic investigation …