
Elementare Beziehungen

Das pädagogische Instrument zur Einschätzung der Beziehungsqualität (EBQ-P-Instrument) und seine Anwendung im inklusiven Musik- und Tanzunterricht Band 2: Materialien: Hintergründe, Methodik, Ergebnisse

306 p., E-book
39.00 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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In music education communicative and relationship-oriented skills, in addition to individual musical and movement-related possibilities, play a key role in the design of artistic-educational teaching and learning processes. The AQR-P Tool presented here can contribute to the improvement of teachers' …

Elementare Beziehungen

Das pädagogische Instrument zur Einschätzung der Beziehungsqualität (EBQ-P-Instrument) und seine Anwendung im inklusiven Musik- und Tanzunterricht Band 1: Das EBQ-P-Instrument Praxis: Grundlagen, Merkmallisten, Anwendungshinweise

216 p., E-book
39.00 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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In music education communicative and relationship-oriented skills, in addition to individual musical and movement-related possibilities, play a key role in the design of artistic-educational teaching and learning processes. The AQR-P Tool presented here can contribute to the improvement of teachers' …

Ins Nichtwissen eintreten

Discipline of Authentic Movement

292 p., E-book
29.95 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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Ins Nichtwissen eintreten enables a multifaceted access to the Discipline of Authentic Movement in the German language. The book’s aim is to convey a deepened understanding of this practice of embodied, relational mindfulness, which is anchored in compassion. Therefore, the …

Leben ist Bewegung ist Musik

Entwicklungen und Konzepte der Wiener Rhythmik an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

244 p., E-book
29.90 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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The book shows how the connections of music and movement
can be taken up to convey social and creative skills - not only to children but also to adults, elderly people and people with special needs.

After a short introduction into the …


Theoretische Kontexte und Grundlagen der Intervention

384 p., E-book
34.90 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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For the first time, this book presents and discusses the methods and techniques of Integrative Dance Therapy, and illustrates crucial aspects with cases and examples.

The book starts with a historical overview of the development of dance therapy. It positions …