
Didaxe und Natur

Darstellung und Funktionalisierung der Natur in Thomasins von Zerklaere ,Welschem Gast‘, in Freidanks ,Bescheidenheit‘ und in Hugos von Trimberg ,Renner‘

384 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Using vernacular examples from ‘didactic literature’, it is questioned which role the verbalisation of nature plays in a didactic context and which knowledge systems come together in its textualisation. The work demonstrates how talking about nature enables a dynamic amalgamation …

Orte – Ordnungen – Oszillationen

Raumerschaffung durch Wissen und räumliche Struktur von Wissen

208 p., E-book
49.00 €
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The volume goes back to a transdicsiplinary conference held in December 2010 at the University of Trier. It contains articles dedicated to tree key concepts that are central to the 'spatial turn'-discussion in the framework of the historically oriented cultural …

Hans von Gersdorffs »Feldbuch der Wundarznei«

Produktion, Präsentation und Rezeption von Wissen

360 p., E-book
59.00 €
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The doctoral thesis deals with knowledge transmission processes in historical perspective as a contribution to the research of premodern knowledge cultures. The object of research, the “Feldbuch der Wundarznei” (1517) is suitable for a socio-functional analysis not only due to …