Author: Anja Heidenreich

ISNI: 0000000076904736
GND: 173254284
ORCID: 0000000287112819

Cuatrovitas (Bollullos de la Mitación, Prov. of Seville, Spain)

New investigations into the Almohad mosque and abandoned village

312 p., E-book
128.00 €
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The publication presents an investigation into rural settlement archeology in the hinterland of Almohad Seville. Many available methods from different disciplines were used for illustrating the past of Cuatrovitas. The informations are combined with 300 very explanatory figures and the …

Hg. von der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Lorenz Korn und Anja Heidenreich unter Mitarbeit von Barbara Finster, Barbara Henning, Robert Hillenbrand, Miriam Kühn, Markus Ritter und Robert Schick

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 3

414 p., E-book
89.00 €
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Ornament has always been regarded as a field in which Islamic Art has excelled. However, it can be debated whether ornamental treatment of surfaces can actually be seen as a typical feature of a particular culture. The papers given on …