Author: Cora Dietl

ISNI: 0000000053942860
GND: 121201031

Wahnsinn und Ekstase

Literarische Konfigurationen zwischen christlicher Antike und Mittelalter

164 p., E-book
78.00 €
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›Wahnsinn‹ (insanity) is an enigmatic term with a huge variety of meanings. This variety ranges from labelling mental illnesses or behaviour which is incomprehensible, unreliable or dangerous, to positive attributes (»wahnsinnig gut« i.e. »extremely great«). In case studies, this volume …

Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft

Band 20 (2014/2015): Das Geistliche Spiel des europäischen Spätmittelalters

520 p., E-book
69.00 €
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In recent years, the presentation and communication of contents of faith that are valuable to create identities through the audio-visual media of theatre, at a time when there was hardly any other kind of ‘mass media’, has received increasing attention. …