Archaeological science, methodology & techniques

By Michael Crawford with a chapter on the architectural reconstruction by Philip Stinson and contributions by Julia Lenaghan, Mustafa D. Somersan, Serra Somersan and Yaşar Demiröz

Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices at the Civil Basilica in Aphrodisias

260 p., E-book
89.00 €
Series: Aphrodisias
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Diocletian’s Edict of Maximum Prices was inscribed on the façade of the city’s Civil Basilica in AD 301. The volume presents the history and background of the Edict, the detailed archaeology of its context on the Basilica, a new consolidated …

Hg. von der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Julia Gonnella unter Mitarbeit von Rania Abdellatif und Simone Struth

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 4

352 p., E-book
79.00 €
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In 2011, the Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin celebrated the 100th anniversary of the German excavations of the Islamic-medieval site Samarra. The former Abbasid capital (836-892 A.D.) around 125 km north of Bagdad is one of the largest archaeological …

Zwei kirchliche Palastanlagen in Hulwan aus umayyadischer Zeit

Grabungen der Egyptian Antiquities Organization in den Jahren 1948 bis 1949

200 p., E-book
69.00 €
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The book deals with two ecclesiastical palaces. They were excavated by the Egyptian antiquities service in the years 1948/49 and they are dated according to the sources to the end of the late antiquity (ca. A.D. 700). They belong thus …