
guldîne linge

Fünf Essays zu Gottfrieds Tristan

120 p., E-book
29.95 €
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In his Tristan novel, Gottfried von Straßburg uses narrative traditions and common motifs of ancient, Celtic, French, Medieval Latin and German traditions. Furthermore, he incorporates aspects of material culture and contemporary scholarly knowledge. This book’s five essays can be read …

Identität und Maske

Die Aneignung des Anderen in Bearbeitungen des Tristanstoffes im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert

336 p., E-book
98.00 €
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This volume concentrates on episodes in Middle High German literature in which identity becomes ambiguous through the using of disguises. In this way, these episodes are not underestimated as droll story elements but are actively used to explain how identity …