series: Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Compiled by: Dorothea Dülberg
Compiled by: Sylvia Kunkel

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 12 (2016) Supervision und Intervision in der Musiktherapie / Vol. 12 (2016) Supervision and Intervision in Music Therapy

184 p., E-book
Open Access

In this volume, eight authors provide insight into concepts and ideas of supervision, counseling and intervision, primarily in relation to music therapy methods and procedures. In six German-language articles and one English-language article, this subject unfolds from theoretical foundations to …

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 11 (2015) Formen / Vol. 11 (2015) Forms

208 p., E-book
Open Access

In this Music Therapy Annual (Jahrbuch Musiktherapie) published by the German Music Therapy Association (Deutsche Musiktherapeutische Gesellschaft), seven authors and three reviewers question the significance of Forms in music therapy processes – as a shaping principle and as an emerging …

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 10 (2014) Mentalisierung und Symbolbildung in der musiktherapeutischen Praxis / Vol. 10 (2014) Mentalization and Symbol Formation in Music Therapy Practice

240 p., E-book
Open Access

The articles submitted on the topic of the book "Mentalisation and Symbol Formation" could provide answers to these and similar questions. From the essays that are now actually available, one main focus has emerged: the majority of the contributions deal …

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 9 (2013) Wo steht die Musiktherapie im Gesundheitswesen? / Vol. 9 (2013) Where Does Music Therapy Stand Within The Health Care System?

240 p., E-book
Open Access

For the 9th yearbook that we are presenting this year, we asked the question: "Where does music therapy stand in the health sector? In a way, it has become a stocktaking. It contains both insights into the history of music …

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 8 (2012) Das Hören des Therapeuten / Vol. 8 (2012) The Therapist’s Ability to Hear

192 p., E-book
Open Access

The present study addresses various statements of music therapists regarding the subjective significance of hearing by means of the qualitative Grounded Theory Method. The purpose of this evaluation is to analyze correlations and focal points of self-reported experiential knowledge. The …

Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Musiktherapeutischen Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Hanna Schirmer

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 7 (2011) Grenzen und Übergänge / Vol. 7 (2011) Borders and Transitions

208 p., E-book
Open Access

The Music Therapy Annual, volume 7, is concerned with the subject of “Boundaries and Transitions”. The authors (G. Bassarak, B. Dehm-Gauwerky, B. Irle, T. Leonhardmair, R. Liesert, S. Metzner) treat this topic in different ways depending on their respective therapeutical …

Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Musiktherapeutischen Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Hanna Schirmer

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 6 (2010) Imagination in der Musiktherapie / Vol. 6 (2010) Imagery in Music Therapy

200 p., E-book
Open Access

This year's “Music Therapy Annual” focuses on “Imagination in Music Therapy.” The articles present different definitions of the concept of imagination, but also different theoretical approaches (including cultural philosophy, psychoanalysis, and morphology), and forms the basis on which the phenomenon …

Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Musiktherapeutischen Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Hanna Schirmer

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 5 (2009) Musiktherapie und emotionale Differenzierung / Vol. 5 (2009) Music Therapy and Emotional Differentiation

204 p., E-book
Open Access

This volume deals with emotional differentiation, with differentiation of affects, and with regulation of affects in music therapy. Therapists generally address their attention to the manner in which the emotional expression changes, is refined, or is broken in the course …

Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Musiktherapeutischen Gesellschaft. Bis Band 3 (2007) Jahrbuch Musiktherapie herausgegeben vom Berufsverband der Musiktherapeutinnen und Musiktherapeuten in Deutschland e.V. (BVM). Redaktion: Hanna Schirmer

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 4 (2008) »Drittes Reich«, Zweiter Weltkrieg und danach – Spuren der Vergangenheit / Vol. 4 (2008) Third Reich, World War II and Thereafter – Traces of the Past

214 p., E-book
Open Access

This volume of the Music Therapy Annual focuses on the therapy of patients with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) caused by war, forced displacement, serious accidents and natural disasters.

Herausgegeben vom Berufsverband der Musiktherapeutinnen und Musiktherapeuten in Deutschland e.V. (BMV). Redaktion: Hanna Schirmer

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 3 (2007) Kultursensibilität und Musiktherapie / Vol. 3 (2007) Therapeutic Sensivity to Culture Specific Issues

224 p., E-book
Open Access

This volume is dedicated to the encounter with people from other cultures. Almost daily we are confronted with news about terror and violence, less often we read about reconciliation. But often music can build a bridge. For example, an annual …

Herausgegeben vom Berufsverband der Musiktherapeutinnen und Musiktherapeuten in Deutschland e.V. (BMV). Redaktion: Hanna Schirmer

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 2 (2006) Schöpferisches Potential der Musiktherapie vor dem Hintergrund gegenwärtiger Rahmenbedingungen / Vol. 2 (2006) Creative Potential and Current Practice Settings

224 p., E-book
Open Access

From the contents:
Barbara Keller, Cornelia Klären, Ursula Pfefferle: Musik auf Rädern GbR – ambulante Musiktherapie – Gründung und Etablierung eines Dienstleistungsunternehmens und Erfahrungen aus der musiktherapeutischen Arbeit mit alten Menschen

Pia Neiwert: Musiktherapeutische Methoden in der beruflichen Weiterbildung

Cynthia A. Briggs, Susan …

Herausgegeben vom Berufsverband der Musiktherapeutinnen und Musiktherapeuten in Deutschland e.V. (BMV). Redaktion: Hanna Schirmer

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 1 (2005) Forschung und Entwicklung / Vol. 1 (2005) Research and Development

196 p., E-book
Open Access

The title "Research and Development" was chosen for the first issue of the "Jahrbuch Musiktherapie", a motto that will never lose its relevance. In this yearbook, contributions are published that deal with the respective topic or individual aspects of it …