
Das Andachtsbüchlein aus der Sammlung Bouhier

(Montpellier, Bibliothèque Universitaire Historique de Médecine, H 396) Studie und kommentierte Edition

550 p., E-book
129.00 €
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This small-size manuscript, probably produced in the second quarter of the fourteenth century in eastern central Germany, is here studied in depth for the first time. The manuscript is without any known parallels as regards its structure: illustrated with coloured …

Die Gebete Johanns von Neumarkt und die deutschsprachige Gebetbuchkultur des Spätmittelalters

432 p., E-book
88.00 €
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Johann von Neumarkt (ca. 1310-1380) created a corpus of German-language prayers that is reconstructed on the basis of the manuscript tradition. A stylistic study as well as detailed interpretations of the contents, taking into account the source material, outline the …