Islamische Kunst

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Vol. 9. Spaces and Frontiers of Islamic Art and Archaeology

168 p., E-book
79.00 €
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The concepts of frontier, boundary, and border, and consequently of spaces and regions they delimit, have left a persistent mark on the perception of geography, whether expounded in
premodern Muslim textual sources, or by modern geostrategists. The ten essays in this …

Von Allah bis Zypresse

Bildwörterbuch zur islamischen Ikonographie

264 p., E-book
29.95 €
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The alleged Mohammedan image ban is opposed by a diverse Islamic world of images, which knows religious and profane scenes as well as mythological and symbolic motifs. They are opened here for the first time systematically and for all art …

Hg. von der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft. Redaktion: Markus Ritter und Lorenz Korn

Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie

Jahrbuch der Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Band 2

246 p., E-book
69.00 €
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The subjects of volume 2 of the „Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie“ (BIKA, Contributions to Islamic Art History and Archaeology) include architecture, painting, textile arts, minor and applied arts as well as archaeology. Analyses of individual works and groups …