
Leben ist Bewegung ist Musik

Entwicklungen und Konzepte der Wiener Rhythmik an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

244 p., E-book
29.90 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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The book shows how the connections of music and movement
can be taken up to convey social and creative skills - not only to children but also to adults, elderly people and people with special needs.

After a short introduction into the …

Musiktherapie als Psychotherapie für Menschen mit Intelligenzminderung oder fehlender Sprache

30. Musiktherapie-Tagung am Freien Musikzentrum München e. V. (5.–6. März 2022)

118 p., E-book
18.00 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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In German-speaking countries, the services provided for the psychotherapeutic treatment of persons with intellectual disorders are insufficient. Music therapy is a well-established procedure for the treatment of mental illnesses in this clientele. In these conference proceedings, experts present different concepts …

Compiled by: Dorothea Dülberg
Compiled by: Sylvia Kunkel

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 12 (2016) Supervision und Intervision in der Musiktherapie / Vol. 12 (2016) Supervision and Intervision in Music Therapy

184 p., E-book
Open Access

In this volume, eight authors provide insight into concepts and ideas of supervision, counseling and intervision, primarily in relation to music therapy methods and procedures. In six German-language articles and one English-language article, this subject unfolds from theoretical foundations to …

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie / Music Therapy Annual

Band 11 (2015) Formen / Vol. 11 (2015) Forms

208 p., E-book
Open Access

In this Music Therapy Annual (Jahrbuch Musiktherapie) published by the German Music Therapy Association (Deutsche Musiktherapeutische Gesellschaft), seven authors and three reviewers question the significance of Forms in music therapy processes – as a shaping principle and as an emerging …