11th century, c 1000 to c 1099

Byzantinischer Schmuck des 9. bis frühen 13. Jahrhunderts

Untersuchungen zum metallenen dekorativen Körperschmuck der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit anhand datierter Funde

420 p., E-book
128.00 €
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Byzantine luxury objects have been neglected in research for a long time, despite the legendary reputation they already held during the Middle Ages. This volume analyses the gold, silver and bronze jewellery of the 9th to early 13th centuries in …

Der mittelalterliche Burgstall Turenberc/Druisheim

Archäologische Untersuchungen 2001 bis 2007 am römischen Militärplatz Submuntorium/Burghöfe an der oberen Donau

184 p., E-book
45.00 €
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The archaeological site of Burghöfe is known mainly for the Roman fort and not for its medieval castle. Excavations from 2001 to 2007 established a first picture of the medieval history of the site. By the 9th or 10th century …