
Elementare Beziehungen

Das pädagogische Instrument zur Einschätzung der Beziehungsqualität (EBQ-P-Instrument) und seine Anwendung im inklusiven Musik- und Tanzunterricht Band 2: Materialien: Hintergründe, Methodik, Ergebnisse

306 p., E-book
39.00 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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In music education communicative and relationship-oriented skills, in addition to individual musical and movement-related possibilities, play a key role in the design of artistic-educational teaching and learning processes. The AQR-P Tool presented here can contribute to the improvement of teachers' …

Elementare Beziehungen

Das pädagogische Instrument zur Einschätzung der Beziehungsqualität (EBQ-P-Instrument) und seine Anwendung im inklusiven Musik- und Tanzunterricht Band 1: Das EBQ-P-Instrument Praxis: Grundlagen, Merkmallisten, Anwendungshinweise

216 p., E-book
39.00 €
Series: zeitpunkt musik
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In music education communicative and relationship-oriented skills, in addition to individual musical and movement-related possibilities, play a key role in the design of artistic-educational teaching and learning processes. The AQR-P Tool presented here can contribute to the improvement of teachers' …

Italische Terra Sigillata aus Iuvavum/Salzburg

Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs- und Handelsgeschichte des augusteischen vicus und des municipium Claudium Iuvavum

320 p., E-book
59.00 €
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Due to its large scale distribution and chronological relevance, Italian Terra Sigillata, which was produced in large quantities in Upper, Central and Southern Italy as well as Southern France, represents one of the most important archaeological sources for the early …

Der Mönch von Salzburg und das lateinische Lied

Die geistlichen Lieder in stolligen Strophen und das einstimmige gottesdienstliche Lied im späten Mittelalter

520 p., E-book
118.00 €
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The book studies those sacred songs of the Monk of Salzburg corpus which do not rely directly on a Latin–melodic or textual–original. These songs show the form of the canzonic stanza and have therefore been considered to belong into the …