
Unter Mitwirkung von Konrad Goehl eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Udo W. Scholz


Die lateinische Persius-Kommentierung der Tradition C

272 p., E-book
68.00 €
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The satires of A. Persius Flaccus (34 - 62 A.C), written in the times of the Roman emperor Nero, were a favourite reading in pagan as well as in christian antiquity, also in medieval times (we know about more than …

Das ‚Debrecener Pflanzen- und Tierbuch‘

Die illustrierte deutsche Ps.-Apuleius Handschrift Debrecen R 459. Faksimile, Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentare

384 p., E-book
98.00 €
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The Debrecen Book of Plants and Animals, a fifteenth-century manuscript in the Library of the Reformed Theological University in Debrecen (Hungary), is the only illustrated German tranlsation of the most broadly disseminated corpus of herbal medicine from the Latin Middle …

Kommentar zum IV. Buch des „Parzival“ Wolframs von Eschenbach

432 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Through the commentary of book IV of Wolfram’s Parzival a significant desideratum within Parzival-commentary has been filled. The volume at hand is particularly useful in that it concentrates decisively on text indexing while presenting comprehensive information with philological meticulousness and …