Society & culture: general

Editor: Gerd Weiß

Kulturlandschaft Mittelrhein – 100 Jahre Mittelrheinische Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Kunst

304 p., E-book
29.95 €
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In dem anlässlich des 100jährigen Bestehens der „Mittelrheinischen Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Kunst“ herausgegebenen Sammelband stellen 17 Autorinnen und Autoren die Kulturlandschaft Mittelrhein umfassend vor. Der erste Teil versammelt Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Entwicklung der Kulturlandschaft, ihrer Gärten und ihrer …

Das Janus-Prinzip

Fortschritt durch Rücksicht

376 p., E-book
29.00 €
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The Roman god Janus can still be a role model for us today. His double look forwards and backwards teaches us that retrospection is also necessary for sustainable progress. Retrospection has a double meaning in this context: it describes looking …

The Maqāmāt of Badīʿ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī

Authorship, Texts, and Contexts

208 p., E-book
Open Access

Through investigations of manuscripts, this book explores important aspects of the life of Badîʿ al-Zamân al-Hamadhânî’s Maqâmât. The broad concerns of the book are divided into three sections: authorship, texts, and contexts. Each chapter in this volume investigates hitherto unstudied …

Impermanent Monuments, Lasting Legacies: The Dār al-Khilāfa of Samarra and Palace Building in Early Abbasid Iraq

216 p., E-book
129.00 €
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This book offers a new interpretation of early Abbasid palaces as “impermanent monuments.” Synthesizing an array of sources, ranging from archaeological finds and classical Arabic literature to modern studies on the social and intellectual history of Islamic civilization, it reveals …

Ein leises Geräusch wie ein Gefühl des Sehnens

Dichtung und Zeugenschaft zum faschistischen Konzentrationslager in Libia Coloniale

272 p., E-book
Open Access

Arabic poetry about the Italian concentration camps in Libia Coloniale is often understood primarily as a historical source, thereby neglecting the poems' literary merits. A Soft Sound, Like a Feeling of Longing approaches these poems from a literary theoretical perspective …

Decoding DA’ISH

An Analysis of Poetic Exemplars and Discursive Strategies of Domination in the Jihadist Milieu

344 p., E-book
Open Access

Why do Jihadists compose poetry and what role does poetry play in the transmission of the jihadist ideology? Decoding DĀʿISH is located at the intersections of the literary, the religious, and the political in jihadist discourse. The study examines how …

Straßen von der Frühgeschichte bis in die Moderne

Verkehrswege – Kulturträger – Lebensraum

344 p., E-book
39.90 €
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Roads have been the key for the development of land and the exchange of goods and knowledge since antiquity. Connecting regions, peoples and cultures, roads have supported social and economic systems through all ages.
In prehistoric times, roads mostly followed …

Central Periphery? Art, Culture and History of the Medieval Jazira (Northern Mesopotamia, 8th-15th centuries)

Papers on the Conference held at the University of Bamberg, 31 October–2 November, 2012

280 p., E-book
98.00 €
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The medieval Jazira has still to offer a multitude of topics for research. As a crossroads in which artistic currents from different regions met, it is unique in the history of the Near East, and at the same time, as …

Geschichte des Archäologischen Museums der Universität Jena 1846-1962

320 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Das 1846 auf Initiative des Jenaer Professors Carl Wilhelm Goettling gegründete Archäologische Museum der Universität verdankt die meisten seiner griechischen Originale (besonders Vasen) der im selben Jahr erfolgten Schenkung des altenburgischen Herzogs Joseph, welcher Objekte aus dem Besitz des Antikensammlers …

Die Entblößung der Wörter

aš-Šidyāqs literarische Listen als Kultur- und Gesellschaftskritik im 19. Jahrhundert

408 p., E-book
Open Access

How do word lists matter for Arabic literature? From the perspective of Literary and Cultural Studies, this monograph approaches the literary word lists of Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq (1805/1806–1887), one of the most important Arab intellectuals of the nineteenth century, and …

Die jungen Kosmopoliten

Prozesse von Aneignung und Abgrenzung in der zeitgenössischen türkischen Literatur

232 p., E-book
69.00 €
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Young authors from Turkey question boundaries, they are challenging borders between nations, between humans, between times. Their works reflect a new zeitgeist which is often shaped by contradictions, but instead of trying to dissolve these contradictions, withdrawing to one's own …