
Social & cultural history


Geographie. Geschichte. Wirtschaft

524 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Georgia fascinates with its diversity: between the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus peaks, between rain-soaked woodlands and dry steppes, between lush cultivated vegetation and barren pastures, there are as many variations as there are between the lively capital Tbilisi …

mîn sang sol wesen dîn

Deutsche Lyrik des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit: Interpretationen

296 p., E-book
98.00 €
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The anthology presents a selection of predominantly German-language medieval poetry together with interpretations. A broad genre-typological spectrum is covered, from minnelyric to proverbs and mastersong to spiritual-mystical song poetry from the period from the 12th to the 15th century. The …

Vergangenheit als Konstrukt

Mittelalterbilder seit der Renaissance

192 p., E-book
78.00 €
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Mittelalterbilder und ihr Weiterleben seit der Renaissance sind das Thema des Sammelbandes, der interdisziplinäre Forschungsbeiträge aus historisch arbeitenden Kulturwissenschaften vereint. Im Vordergrund steht die Frage nach den Konstruktionsprinzipien und Bausteinen der Mittelalterbilder, die sich als Artefakte erweisen und Einsicht in …

Bauern und Banausen

Darstellungen des Handwerks und der Landwirtschaft in der griechischen Vasenmalerei

288 p., E-book
110.00 €
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Vase painting is one of the most important sources of information regarding labour in the ancient world. This comprehensive iconographic study focuses on the depiction of physically active persons. It deals not only with representations of skilled crafts but also …

Wolgast, Der Reiseführer

Herzogsstadt und Tor zur Insel Usedom mit Amt am Peenestrom

196 p., E-book
16.90 €
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Wolgast, the old ducal town in north-eastern Germany, is more than just the "gateway to the island of Usedom". In this travel guide, art historian Reiner Sörries takes the reader on a journey through time from prehistoric settlement to post-reunification …

Thomas von Cantimpré ›Liber de naturis rerum‹

Übersetzung des Textes der Redaktion III (Thomas III) eines Anonymus

395 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Based on the encyclopaedia "Liber de natura rerum" by the Dominican Thomas of Cantimpré, the so-called 'Thomas III' version was produced by an anonymous editor in the 13th century. Out of interest in natural things themselves, he excerpted the found …

guldîne linge

Fünf Essays zu Gottfrieds Tristan

120 p., E-book
29.95 €
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In his Tristan novel, Gottfried von Straßburg uses narrative traditions and common motifs of ancient, Celtic, French, Medieval Latin and German traditions. Furthermore, he incorporates aspects of material culture and contemporary scholarly knowledge. This book’s five essays can be read …

Didaxe und Natur

Darstellung und Funktionalisierung der Natur in Thomasins von Zerklaere ,Welschem Gast‘, in Freidanks ,Bescheidenheit‘ und in Hugos von Trimberg ,Renner‘

384 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Using vernacular examples from ‘didactic literature’, it is questioned which role the verbalisation of nature plays in a didactic context and which knowledge systems come together in its textualisation. The work demonstrates how talking about nature enables a dynamic amalgamation …

Sei mutig wie ein Leopard...

Bildgewordener jüdischer Glaube zwischen Krakau und Czernowitz

80 p., E-book
19.95 €
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In no other region has the Jewish faith found such graphic expression in the synagogues as in the historical landscapes of Galicia and Bukovina. Since the end of the Middle Ages the living conditions of the Jewish population had deteriorated, …

Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft im archaischen Süditalien

Ein Modell zu Identität und Hexis, ausgehend von Ripacandida und weiteren binnenländischen Gemeinschaften

304 p., 41 Tafeln, inkl. DVD, E-book
Open Access
Series: Italiká

The necropolis of Ripacandida in southern Italy (Apulia/prov. Foggia) is situated on a hill mediating between the uplands of the southern Apennines to the west and the Adriatic shore to the east. The local Archaic-Classical community (6th/5th century BCE) witnessed …