
German Language and Literature

Der Tannhäuser

Untersuchungen zur Selbstbezüglichkeit seiner Lyrik und kommentierte Neuedition

333 p., E-book
110.00 €
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Tannhäuser has established a very unique profile as an author of 13th century medieval German literature. Not only did he experiment with literary genres and test their limits; his poetry is also defined by complex self-referential patterns. This study on …

International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction

360 p., E-book
39.90 €
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The journal, first published in 2004, covers the field of historical comparative linguistics and comparative reconstruction, particularly of Indo-European languages, though others such as the Tungusic and North-West Caucasian families are also addressed. Attention is also devoted to philological investigations …

„Mio corpo venga sepolto in terra sancta“ - Genese und Verbreitung eines Wunderberichts des 13. Jahrhunderts

Die Blutacker in Jerusalem, der Heilige Acker in Akkon und der Camposanto zu Pisa

256 p., E-book
79.00 €
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The book is about the emergence and spread of the miracle report about a supernaturally rapid decomposition of corpses at specific burial sites, so-called holy fields (Campus Sanctus). How is it that in the last third of the 13th century …

Mystique, langage, image : montrer l’invisible Mystik, Sprache, Bild: Die Visualisierung des Unsichtbaren

364 p., E-book
Open Access

The experience of transcendence, especially when it concerns the direct encounter with God, exceeds every human possibility of expression. Only pictorial expression is able to make visible, at least approximately, what is invisible to the human eye and the human …

Das Andachtsbüchlein aus der Sammlung Bouhier

(Montpellier, Bibliothèque Universitaire Historique de Médecine, H 396) Studie und kommentierte Edition

550 p., E-book
129.00 €
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This small-size manuscript, probably produced in the second quarter of the fourteenth century in eastern central Germany, is here studied in depth for the first time. The manuscript is without any known parallels as regards its structure: illustrated with coloured …

Neue Zeitung für Einsiedler

Magazin der Internationalen Arnim-Gesellschaft. Band 16, 2022

332 p., E-book
24.90 €
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The Neue Zeitung für Einsiedler is an interdisciplinary journal that offers innovative approaches to the works of well-known German Romantic writers and introduces newly discovered sources and texts that provide material for further investigation of topics pertinent to contemporary discourse.

Giovanni Boccaccios ,De casibus virorum illustrium’ in Deutschland

Studien zur Überlieferung und Rezeption eines frühhumanistischen Werkes im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert

400 p., E-book
110.00 €
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Giovanni Boccaccio's 'De casibus virorum illustrium' - an early humanist collection of biographies of famous men and women of world history in Latin - was one of the most widely read works of the great Italian author throughout Europe in …

Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft

Band 23 (2020/2021): (V)erdichtete Leben. Literarische Lebensmuster in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit

456 p., E-book
69.00 €
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‚(V)erdichtete Leben‘ meint den Status von (auto)biographischer Literatur zwischen ‚wirklichem’ Leben und seiner literarischen Funktionalisierung. Unter diesem Aspekt widmet sich der aktuelle Tagungsband der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft der Frage nach der Relevanz von (Auto)biographie als Gattung und Textbestandteil im Mittelalter …

Thomas von Cantimpré ›Liber de naturis rerum‹

Übersetzung des Textes der Redaktion III (Thomas III) eines Anonymus

395 p., E-book
98.00 €
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Based on the encyclopaedia "Liber de natura rerum" by the Dominican Thomas of Cantimpré, the so-called 'Thomas III' version was produced by an anonymous editor in the 13th century. Out of interest in natural things themselves, he excerpted the found …

International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction

296 p., E-book
39.90 €
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The journal, first published in 2004, covers the field of historical comparative linguistics and comparative reconstruction, particularly of Indo-European languages, though others such as the Tungusic and North-West Caucasian families are also addressed. Attention is also devoted to philological investigations …

Jenseits der Dichotomie von Text und Bild

Verfahren der Veranschaulichung und Verlebendigung in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit

464 p., E-book
119.00 €
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This volume brings together the research findings of a DFG network of Germanists and art historians. The focus is on processes of visualisation and vivification in the sister arts of painting and poetry. For Christian-influenced pre-modern art production, it was …

guldîne linge

Fünf Essays zu Gottfrieds Tristan

120 p., E-book
29.95 €
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In his Tristan novel, Gottfried von Straßburg uses narrative traditions and common motifs of ancient, Celtic, French, Medieval Latin and German traditions. Furthermore, he incorporates aspects of material culture and contemporary scholarly knowledge. This book’s five essays can be read …