
German Language and Literature


Lettres, chiffres, notes et symboles au Moyen Âge

88 p., E-book
49.00 €
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Dedicated to the question of the sign, this volume brings together the three plenary lectures given by Daniel Heller-Roazen (Philosophy and Comparative Literature, Princeton), Michel Pastoureau (History and History of Art, EPHE Paris) and Susan Rankin (Musicology, Cambridge), at the …

Die Gebete Johanns von Neumarkt und die deutschsprachige Gebetbuchkultur des Spätmittelalters

432 p., E-book
88.00 €
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Johann von Neumarkt (ca. 1310-1380) created a corpus of German-language prayers that is reconstructed on the basis of the manuscript tradition. A stylistic study as well as detailed interpretations of the contents, taking into account the source material, outline the …

International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction

184 p., E-book
39.90 €
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The journal, first published in 2004, covers the field of historical comparative linguistics and comparative reconstruction, particularly of Indo-European languages, though others such as the Tungusic and North-West Caucasian families are also addressed. Attention is also devoted to philological investigations …

Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft

Band 20 (2014/2015): Das Geistliche Spiel des europäischen Spätmittelalters

520 p., E-book
69.00 €
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In recent years, the presentation and communication of contents of faith that are valuable to create identities through the audio-visual media of theatre, at a time when there was hardly any other kind of ‘mass media’, has received increasing attention. …

International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction

204 p., E-book
39.90 €
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The journal, first published in 2004, covers the field of historical comparative linguistics and comparative reconstruction, particularly of Indo-European languages, though others such as the Tungusic and North-West Caucasian families are also addressed. Attention is also devoted to philological investigations …

Versteckt – Verirrt – Verschollen

Reisen und Nicht-Wissen

448 p., E-book
128.00 €
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Since the Early Modern Period, traveling becomes a central strategy enhancing knowledge. At the same time, travel seems to deliver a gateway for the incalculable and unfathomable. Contributions to this addition seek to explore how this type of non-knowledge appears …

Peiraikos’ Erben

Die Genese der Genremalerei bis 1550

496 p., E-book
110.00 €
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Der Band fasst die Ergebnisse der gleichnamigen internationalen Tagung zusammen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem SFB 804 der Technischen Universität Dresden konnten neue Erkenntnisse in der kunsthistorischen Forschung gewonnen werden. Von der Frage nach der Genese des Genrebildes bis hin zur …

Konversion in Räumen jüdischer Geschichte

192 p., E-book
59.00 €
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Der Band dokumentiert die Beiträge der wissenschaftlichen Tagung ‚Konversion in Räumen jüdischer Geschichte‘. Die Beiträge befassen sich mit den vielfältigen Orts-, Blick- und Rollen-Wechseln und untersuchen, was konkrete oder symbolische Formen des Kulturkontakts für einzelne oder ganze Gruppen an Veränderungen …