
series: Scrinium Friburgense

Die Buchreihe „Scrinium Friburgense“ umfasst Editionen, Monographien und Kolloquiumsbände aus allen Bereichen der Mediävistik, von der Kodikologie, Paläographie und Epigraphik über die mittelalterliche Geschichte, Philosophie- und Kunstgeschichte und die lateinische, deutsche, englische, französische, italienische und spanische Literatur des Mittelalters bis zur Byzantinistik. Besonders willkommen sind Arbeiten interdisziplinären Zuschnitts.

Paradigmen und Perspektiven einer Mediävistischen Komparatistik

Freiburger Colloquium 2021

272 p., E-book
98.00 €
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 57
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The publication presents the results of the interdisciplinary Freiburg Colloquium 2021 (Université de Fribourg, Switzerland) "Paradigms and Perspectives of Comparative Medieval Studies". The contributions explore the theoretical and methodological premises of historically orientated comparative research that focuses on the specific …

„Mio corpo venga sepolto in terra sancta“ - Genese und Verbreitung eines Wunderberichts des 13. Jahrhunderts

Die Blutacker in Jerusalem, der Heilige Acker in Akkon und der Camposanto zu Pisa

256 p., E-book
79.00 €
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 56
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The book is about the emergence and spread of the miracle report about a supernaturally rapid decomposition of corpses at specific burial sites, so-called holy fields (Campus Sanctus). How is it that in the last third of the 13th century …

Mystique, langage, image : montrer l’invisible Mystik, Sprache, Bild: Die Visualisierung des Unsichtbaren

364 p., E-book
Open Access
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 55

The experience of transcendence, especially when it concerns the direct encounter with God, exceeds every human possibility of expression. Only pictorial expression is able to make visible, at least approximately, what is invisible to the human eye and the human …

Héritages platoniciens et aristotéliciens dans l’Orient et l’Occident (IIe-XVIe siècles)

268 p., E-book
79.00 €
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 54
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The aim of bringing together these works in this volume is to explore, through specific studies, the reception of certain aspects of Neoplatonism and Aristotelianism in Patristics and the philosophy of Late Antiquity, in medieval Latin thought and in medieval …


Lettres, chiffres, notes et symboles au Moyen Âge

88 p., E-book
49.00 €
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 48
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Dedicated to the question of the sign, this volume brings together the three plenary lectures given by Daniel Heller-Roazen (Philosophy and Comparative Literature, Princeton), Michel Pastoureau (History and History of Art, EPHE Paris) and Susan Rankin (Musicology, Cambridge), at the …

Die ,Vierzig Myrrhenbüschel vom Leiden Christi'

Untersuchung, Überlieferung und Edition

662 p., E-book
Open Access
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 47

The Middle High German treatise ›Forty Bundles of Myrrh of Christ's Passion‹ combines traditional exegesis of the Song of Songs with detailed instructions for the correct contemplation of the Passion of Christ by means of fictive dialogues. The treatise, which …

Belles Lettres. Les figures de l’écrit au Moyen Âge / Figurationen des Schreibens im Mittelalter

Colloque fribourgeois 2017

370 p., E-book
110.00 €
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 44
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The publication is the result of the Freiburg Colloquium 2017 on the topic "Belles Lettres. Figurationen des Schreibens im Mittelalter". The publication deals with the various phenomena of the design of medieval manuscript pages and takes an interdisciplinary approach.

Das dynamische Sein bei Nicolaus Cusanus

Ein Beitrag zur Begriffsgeschichte der dynamischen Ontologie

344 p., E-book
Open Access
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 42

Esse est movere - to be is to move. Contrary to our static notions of medieval philosophy, Nicolaus Cusanus in the 15th century sketches a dynamic view of the world in which creatures are independent and self-acting beings. For the …

Repräsentationen der Bibel in der Volkssprache

Studien zu den mittelalterlichen Handschriften mit deutschen Texten aus dem Zisterzienserkloster Altzelle

344 p., E-book
98.00 €
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 40
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The Cistercian abbey Altzelle was, during the Late Middle Ages, one of the most important educational centers in the area of present-day Saxony. The libraries of Altzelle produced significant German-language manuscripts, which this work hopes to analyze with an orientation …

Medieval theories of the creative act, Théories médiévales de l’acte créatif, Theorien des kreativen Akts im Mittelalter

Fribourg Colloquium 2015, Colloque Fribourgeois 2015, Freiburger Colloquium 2015

222 p., E-book
78.00 €
Series: Scrinium Friburgense Band 38
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Essays in this volume explore medieval perceptions of the role of human creativity and the nature of creation. Drawing on examples from literature, art, music, and philosophy, and across the Western European tradition, the contributors consider how medieval craftsmen, writers, …