series: Literaturen im Kontext. arabisch – persisch – türkisch

Diese Reihe stellt innovative Arbeiten zu den nahöstlichen Literaturen in ihren verschiedenen Epochen und Gattungen vor. Sie versteht sich nicht ausschließlich als ein Forum für Orientwissenschaftler, sondern möchte auch Komparatisten, Literaturwissenschaftlern und einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit Einblicke in das breite Spektrum gegenwärtig produzierter und rezipierter Literatur des Nahen Ostens bieten.
Denn die Herausgeberinnen, Autorinnen und Autoren wollen den Titel der Reihe programmatisch verstanden wissen. Sie gehen von einem Begriff der Weltliteratur aus, der die orientalischen Literaturen nicht nur statisch einbegreift, sondern sie in ein Kulturregionen und Nationalsprachen übergreifendes Spannungsfeld stellt, dessen Dynamik erst im interdisziplinären Austausch erfasst werden kann. Sie gehen ferner davon aus, dass Literaturen in vielfacher Weise intertextuell geprägt sind, dass sie Lektüren verschiedenster vorausgehender Texte darstellen und daher erst in ihrem „lokalen historischen Kontext“ ihren Reiz als Ausdruck einer regional geprägten Ästhetik entfalten können. Die Reihe versucht so, einer neuen Sensibilität für mythische, archetypische, aber auch historische Subtexte in der nahöstlichen Literatur Bahn zu brechen, sie aber gleichzeitig als wichtigen Ausdruck einer globalen kulturellen Mobilität sichtbar zu machen.

Realms of Strangers: Readers, Language, and Trickery in Maqāmāt al-Ḥarīrī

206 p., E-book
69.00 €
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This is a book about strangeness and strangers in the Maqāmāt of Ḥarīrī, an Arabic compendium of literary fiction from the 6th/12th century, featuring in fifty episodic narratives an intellectual pursuing a trickster to collect his rare words, sophisticated compositions, …

The Maqāmāt of Badīʿ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī

Authorship, Texts, and Contexts

208 p., E-book
Open Access

Through investigations of manuscripts, this book explores important aspects of the life of Badîʿ al-Zamân al-Hamadhânî’s Maqâmât. The broad concerns of the book are divided into three sections: authorship, texts, and contexts. Each chapter in this volume investigates hitherto unstudied …

Oscillating Bodies

Understanding Tunisian Society through its Novels (1956-2011)

256 p., E-book
Open Access

Oscillating Bodies reads together the depiction of human bodies in arabophone and francophone Tunisian novels. This produces an understanding of Tunisian society from the country’s independence in 1956 until the revolutionary upheavals of 2010/2011. It appears as a society that …

Ein leises Geräusch wie ein Gefühl des Sehnens

Dichtung und Zeugenschaft zum faschistischen Konzentrationslager in Libia Coloniale

272 p., E-book
Open Access

Arabic poetry about the Italian concentration camps in Libia Coloniale is often understood primarily as a historical source, thereby neglecting the poems' literary merits. A Soft Sound, Like a Feeling of Longing approaches these poems from a literary theoretical perspective …

Decoding DA’ISH

An Analysis of Poetic Exemplars and Discursive Strategies of Domination in the Jihadist Milieu

344 p., E-book
Open Access

Why do Jihadists compose poetry and what role does poetry play in the transmission of the jihadist ideology? Decoding DĀʿISH is located at the intersections of the literary, the religious, and the political in jihadist discourse. The study examines how …

Die jungen Kosmopoliten

Prozesse von Aneignung und Abgrenzung in der zeitgenössischen türkischen Literatur

232 p., E-book
69.00 €
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Young authors from Turkey question boundaries, they are challenging borders between nations, between humans, between times. Their works reflect a new zeitgeist which is often shaped by contradictions, but instead of trying to dissolve these contradictions, withdrawing to one's own …

Die Entblößung der Wörter

aš-Šidyāqs literarische Listen als Kultur- und Gesellschaftskritik im 19. Jahrhundert

408 p., E-book
Open Access

How do word lists matter for Arabic literature? From the perspective of Literary and Cultural Studies, this monograph approaches the literary word lists of Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq (1805/1806–1887), one of the most important Arab intellectuals of the nineteenth century, and …

Commitment and Beyond

Reflections on/of the Political in Arabic Literature since the 1940s

356 p., E-book
Open Access

This book is about relations between literature, society and politics in the Arab world. It is an attempt to come to terms with the changing conceptualizations of the political in Arabic literature in recent modern history. It examines historical and …

Die Messingstadt

Eine Erzählung aus „Tausendundeiner Nacht“. Architektur einer Heiligwerdung

304 p., E-book
79.00 €
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Anyone associating The Arabian Nights with erotic stories will doubtlessly be disappointed when reading “City of Brass” (Nights 566−578). This tale deals not with the lust for life but, on the contrary, with the vanity of existence: Each individual who …

Conflicting Narratives: War, Trauma and Memory in Iraqi Culture

286 p., E-book
69.00 €
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This volume deals with the Iraqi cultural production under and after Baathist rule, a research field which, in comparison to Iraqi history and politics, has attracted relatively scant scholarly attention. The contributors depict the impact of dictatorship, sanctions, and successive …

Reading Across Modern Arabic Literature and Art

Three Case Studies: Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Abd al-Rahman Munif, Etel Adnan

120 p., E-book
69.00 €
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Interrelations of literature and art, word and image, are manifold. However, they have remained largely unexplored when it comes to literature and art in the Arab world. This book aims at introducing interarts studies to Middle Eastern studies and, at …

Vorgestellte Öffentlichkeit

Zur Genese moderner Prosa in Ägypten (1860 bis 1908)

224 p., E-book
59.00 €
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This socio-literary study examines the relationship between processes of modernisation and reform, and new literary genres produced in Egypt of the second half of the 19th century. How did heterogenous modern literary forms emerge in this particular environment, and what …

Muhammad Iqbal’s Romanticism of Power

A Post-Structural Approach to His Persian Lyrical Poetry

284 p., E-book
59.00 €
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A study of the Persian poetry of Muḥammad Iqbāl (1877-1938), today Pakistan’s national poet, this work identifies the position his poems occupied between tradition and modernity, specifying the appeal they held for his contemporaries. Drawing on structural text analysis, the …

Martyrdom in Literature

Visions of Death and Meaningful Suffering in Europe and the Middle East from Antiquity to Modernity

380 p., E-book
59.00 €
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This book aims to achieve a deeper understanding of the very human phenomenon of martyrdom by analysing in detail its highly varied re-enactments in European and Middle Eastern literatures. Despite its divergent historical, religious, philosophical or political circumstances, there does …

Writers and Rulers

Perspectives on Their Relationship from Abbasid to Safavid Times

260 p., E-book
59.00 €
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Nine essays explore the ways in which individual Arabic and Persian authors between the 9th and 17th centuries (with examples drawn from the Abbasid to the Safavid dynasties) chose rulers and other political leaders as the recipients for their writings, …

Crossings and Passages in Genre and Culture

228 p., E-book
49.00 €
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Crossings and Passages in Genre and Culture scrutinizes the fascinating and diverse wanderings forms of artistic expression, in particular literature, have taken through different cultural fields, both within and outside a specific geographical region or historical époque. Approaching the topic …